Hally Birthday! Celebrating 12 Years — HallyUP Month 2023

HallyUP Marketing Representative
4 min readDec 16, 2023


Diliman, Quezon City — From October to early November, in a crescendo of celebration and reminiscence, the University of the Philippines Society of Students for Korean Popular Culture, better known as HallyUP, marked its 12th anniversary with a month-long extravaganza that captivated the hearts of K-pop enthusiasts within the UP Diliman community.

This year’s anniversary celebration, titled “Hally Birthday: HallyUP Month 2023”, served as a demonstration of the organization’s unwavering commitment to promoting and sharing the vibrancy of Korean popular culture. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a premier special interest organization, HallyUP has become more than a community; it’s a family of dedicated individuals bound together by a shared love for all things Hallyu.

Dancing The Night Away: Random Play Dance

To kick off the celebration, HallyUP hosted a spectacular Random Play Dance last October 27 in front of Palma Hall at 5:30 pm, turning the heart of UP Diliman into a lively dance floor. The vibrant beats of K-pop songs filled the air as participants, whether professional dancers or enthusiastic viewers, joined in the rhythmic celebration. Music played until the night, and everyone still had the energy to participate on the dance floor.

The event was a joint experience that united fans of Korean popular culture. From iconic girl group choreographies to powerful boy group moves, the Random Play Dance showcased the diversity of K-pop, bringing fans together in a spontaneous display of passion and camaraderie.

TMI! HallyUP Trivia Time!

In the digital world where images are captured in pixels and memories are preserved in the light of displays, HallyUP Month took place not only at physical locations but also on the lively social media channels of the organization. Two fascinating trivia publications stole the show, providing viewers with a digital journey through one of HallyUP’s grandest programs and the center of the organization’s history.

To anyone new to HallyUP, the first trivia publication delved into the captivating story of how HallyUP came into being. The second trivia publication dug deeper into HallyUP’s most prestigious and flagship event; HallyUniverse.

A Journey Through Time: The HallyUP Exhibit Booth

The trivia pubs were not the only ones that told a story; they just opened the gates to something bigger. HallyUP curated an exhibit last November 7–9. Held at the College of Home Economics, the exhibit featured a mesmerizing and colorful visual narrative that revealed the organization’s journey from its formation to its present glory.

The exhibit wasn’t merely a stroll down memory lane; it was a touching reminder of the shared experiences, growth, and milestones that have shaped HallyUP into the cultural force it is today.

The Culminight: A Feast of Memories

The grand finale unfolded last November 10 with the much-anticipated Anniversary Culminight at McDonald’s Katipunan. Transforming the familiar fast-food venue into a kaleidoscope of colors and decorations, the Culminight was a celebration of HallyUP’s cultural journey.

The night featured fun games that brought out the competitiveness in the audience like Charades, Bring Me (with a special twist), and the classic — how long players can hold their breaths saying “Happy Birthday to you”, but instead, the participants were asked to say “HallyBirthday” as long as they can. In addition, the attendees were given spectacular and energetic performances from current HallyUP members. Their dance moves hyped the crowd even more.

Moreover, the Culminight at McDonald’s served as a special gathering, extending invitations not only to its current members and applicants but also to its alumni, whose presence added a nostalgic layer to the festivities. The Culminight was a unique moment where past and present converged in one venue, creating a joyous celebration of shared memories and enduring friendships.

Looking Ahead: HallyUP’s Vision for the Future

As the echoes of the 12th-anniversary celebration resonate, HallyUP stands at the threshold of a new chapter. With a commitment to continuous growth, inclusivity, and community engagement, the organization envisions a future where the love for Korean popular culture transcends boundaries and brings people together.

Looking forward, HallyUP aims to expand its outreach programs, collaborate with more local businesses, and strengthen its ties with the broader UP Diliman community. The organization remains steadfast in its mission to not only celebrate Korean popular culture but also to create a space where diversity is embraced, friendships are forged, and memories are made.

Article written by Adam Caligagan

